SkipSoft Unified Android Toolkit Offline Setup Download Free

SkipSoft Unified

0.00 / 5


August 17th, 2020


May 16th, 2021





SkipSoft Unified Android Toolkit Offline Setup Download Free

This post is about to download the latest setup of the Skipsoft unified Android tool. It can support up to 37 Android devices.

Skipsoft supporting models

Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 4, Nexus 5, Nexus 6, Nexus 7 [2012], Nexus 7 [2013], Nexus 9, Nexus 10, Nexus Player, Nexus 5X, Nexus 6P, Google Pixel C, Google Pixel (2016), Google Pixel XL (2016), OnePlus 1, OnePlus 2, OnePlus X, OnePlus 3, OnePlus 3T, OnePlus 5, Samsung Galaxy S3, Samsung Galaxy S3 Mini, Samsung Galaxy S4, Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini, Samsung Galaxy S5, Samsung Galaxy S6, Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, Samsung Galaxy Note 2, Samsung Galaxy Note 3, Samsung Galaxy Note 4, Samsung Galaxy Note 5, Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 [2012], Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 [2012], Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 [2014], Samsung Galaxy TabS 8.4 and 10.5 models [2014], Samsung Galaxy Camera (smart camera) and Samsung Galaxy Gear [smartwatch] on Android Only.

The Galaxy Gear Toolkit module will not work if the watch is using the Tizen operating system. There is also a Basic Android Toolkit included which any Android device can use.


  1. Install correct ADB/fastboot drivers automatically
  2. Backup/Restore a single package or all apps, user data, and Internal Storage
  3. Backup your /data/media (virtual SD Card) to your PC for a Full Safe backup of data
  4. Root any public build automatically
  5. SkipRoot boot image to AutoRoot (selected builds)
  6. Sideload root/unroot files via Custom Recovery
  7. ALLINONE to Unlock, Flash Recovery, Root, Rename the restore file + install Busybox (G, N, O)
  8. ALLINONE to Flash Recovery, Root, Rename the recovery restore files + install Busybox (Samsung)
  9. Unlock/Re-Lock your Bootloader (G, N, O)
  10. Download Google Stock Image files directly to the ToolKit (G, N, O)
  11. Check md5 of google stock image before flashing
  12. Flash Google Stock Image (G, N, O)
  13. Flash any part of a stock firmware image to device [boot, system, recovery, etc.] (G, N, O)
  14. Download/sideload stock OTA image (G,N,O)
  15. Install BusyBox binary on the device
  16. Rename the Recovery Restore File present on Stock Roms (if stock recovery is being restored after flashing custom recovery image)
  17. Flash Stock Recovery, CWM touch, Philz_touch, or TWRP Touch Recovery
  18. Pull /data and /system folders, compress to a .tar file, and save to your PC
  19. Auto Update Toolkit at startup (PRO ONLY)
  20. Auto Update superuser file and custom recovery images to latest versions (PRO ONLY)
  21. Disable forced encryption on Nexus5X, 6, 6P, 9, Google Pixel C, Google Pixel, Google Pixel XL
  22. Install Root Checker app by Burrows Apps
  23. Install Backup/Restore app by Metroid Apps

Download Menu

This project is being restarted again with support being added for the latest firmware (for existing supported devices) and new support being added for OnePlus, Samsung, and Pixel devices. You can download the latest setup by managing links on this page.

Related Keywords:

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