Firefox Lockwise For Windows (APK) Download Free

Firefox LockWise (APK)

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September 24th, 2022


September 24th, 2022





Firefox Lockwise For Windows (APK) Download Free

You can download the latest setup of Firefox Lockwise from this page. The setup is absolutely free and supports all over OS. There is an extension is also available for firefox and chrome. Mozilla released the update for Firefox LockWise and also released updates for all-over extensions.


About Firefox LockWise

Firefox Lockwise is a password manager for all over OS. By using the app you can manage your passwords easily and lock them for security theft. In the latest update, it is more useful for users. The final release versions are 1.8.1 (iOS) and 4.0.3 (Android) and will no longer be available to download or reinstall after that date. And it comes to the version of 1.9 for Windows users.

What started in 2018 as a small experimental mobile app called Lockbox ended up bringing a way to access saved passwords and perform auto fills on iOS, Android, and desktop devices to a small but enthusiastic following of Firefox fans. The app was also later adapted as a Firefox extension. It seemed like it was apt to stick around for the long run.


Features Of Firefox LockWise

Firefox Lockwise comes with a lot of features. It is so easy to use. We have mentioned some useful features of LockWise below.

  1. Free available for download
  2. You can use extensions on all over browsers
  3. Available for all over platforms including MAC, Windows & Android

The users can access passwords using the native Firefox browsers on desktop and mobile. The official site Mozilla also suggests that the users can use extensions of LockWise instead of installations setup.

The Firefox iOS app will gain the ability to manage Firefox passwords systemwide. The note alludes to Mozilla adopting the features of Lockwise and eventually integrating them into the Firefox browser apps natively on all platforms.


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Firefox LockWise For Android

Android users will be able to access the password autofill functionality offered by the Firefox app instead, but users on iOS will have to wait to gain the ability to manage Firefox passwords system-wide. Mozilla has told users of its Lockwise password management app that it will officially end support for the app on December 13. While the password manager will continue to work after that date, it will no longer receive support or security updates.

Now you can get the extension and setup of Firefox LockWise by managing this page. If you are unable to download or have other issues with the Firefox LockWise, then you can share your thoughts here.

Note: You will need to use an Android emulator to run Firefox LockWise on a PC. The setup is not available right now. 

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